Tuesday Mommy had to be the bad guy who took me for my two-year well baby visit. Luckily since I'm now two I can get the flu mist rather than the injection, but I still had to get one other shot.
Mommy kept me entertained with this stuffed giraffe as well as some cars & books she packed. I was happy to be examined by the doctor while sitting on Mommy's lap in this chair, but wanted
NOTHING to do with the exam table. I'm so happy to have an awesome doctor that makes me laugh while she does her exam!
But I did freak when the nurse laid me on the table to get my height. No one is going to make me do something I don't want to do without a fight!
Anyway, here are my stats at 25 months old:
Height: 37 inches = 96% (2 1/2" taller than my 18 month check-up)
Weight: 35#, 8oz = 98% (5#, 8oz more than my 18 month check-up)
Head Circumference: 20.47" (0.2"
huger than my 18 month check-up)
here if you wanted to check in & see what I was up to last time I visited the doctor!
When it was time for my shot & flu-mist, I cried hysterically as my mom held me down. Mind you, this was before I even got the shot. I was
NOT a happy camper when the nurse squirted that mist up each of my nostrils!! But as soon as I was taken off the examination table, all was well & I felt great the rest of the day!