Thursday, December 12, 2013

Two year stats!

Gosh, we haven't updated in such a long time since we've been so busy with Thanksgiving & getting ready for Christmas!   A couple of weeks ago Mommy picked me up for my two year check up at the doctor's office.  When we got there, I was not a happy camper since I knew what was coming.. I kept saying, "we go home!" over & over.

My 2nd birthday

Cameron came with us so he could get his flu mist too so at least I had moral support!  But, we were super excited when we found out that I was up to date with my vaccinations & didn't even need a shot!  Although I flip out when it's time to have my length & head circumference measured, so you would think I had a shot based on how hard I cried!  Mommy felt like she had run a marathon after wrangling the two of us mongrels! 

Anyway, here are my 2 year stats:

Head Circumference:  19.49" (93%)
Height: 34" (54%)
Weight: 31# (91%)

Click here to see Cameron's two year stats; he was 3" taller than me, 4.8# more with a head circumference 1" bigger.  That's boys for ya!

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