Saturday, February 23, 2013

Baby Einstein

When I was a baby, I UH-DORED Baby Einstein!  My mommy could literally put me in my bouncer & clean the house as I happily bopped & watched.

Fast forward more than three years later and I'm still a big fan.  My sister, on the other hand, couldn't care less.  Thursday Mommy put Numbers Nursery on to occupy Reese as she put dinner together.  Reese was still roaming the house, getting into things, but not me!  It sucked me in, hook, line & sinker!

In other happenings, the other night I had a hankering to wear my Mario Halloween costume as we played pretend with my Mario, Luigi & Peach race cars, zipping around the house.  On a side note, I never, ever like to lose a race.  Mommy & Daddy are working on me being less of a sore loser!

And Mommy & Sissy had some goofy snuggle time as the evening wound down.  Reese is asleep before seven o' clock each night & we always watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before she goes to bed.  Since I know how much she loves it, I always request it.  I love making my baby sister happy!  Her favorite part of the show is dancing to the Hotdog Dance!  I'm Mickey, Mommy is Minny, Daddy is Goofy & Reese is Daisy.  We all have to dance like our characters.  That's what's going on around here, hope you're all doing great too!

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